Law Offices of Michael J. Bourquard, LLC Service Areas
Auto Injury Lawyer
If you've been injured in a car accident contact a New Orleans auto injury lawyer immediately to ensure your rights are protected. For more than 25 years, The Law Offices of Michael J Bourquard have successfully represented a wide range of clients who have been injured as a result of a car, truck or motorcycle accident.
Car Accident Attorney
If you have been the victim of an auto collision and are seeking justice or proper compensation, contact the car accident attorneys at Law Offices of Michael J. Bourquard, LLC. With our help, you will achieve the outcome you rightfully deserve. Book your first appointment by calling (504) 561-6611 today.
Car Crash Lawyer
It’s a sad fact but car crashes happen every single day in New Orleans. And even though they are more common than you might think, it doesn’t make a car crash any less traumatic. Car crashes in New Orleans can often result in serious injury or even fatality. No matter how careful you drive, it is impossible to predict what other drivers are going to do.
Corporate Law
Members of our firm’s corporate law team stay on the cutting edge of shifts in governmental regulations and enforcement. We track and predict changes in shareholder demands and entity requirements across a wide breadth of industries around the globe.
Criminal Law
Our criminal law analysts and defense specialists draw from a background representing years of experience advocating for citizens and businesses, just like you. We handle a variety of complex felony and misdemeanor charges ranging from murder charges to domestic violence and driving while impaired accusations.
Divorce Lawyer
There are few legal issues that can have a profound impact on you and your family than divorce. Whether they are contested or uncontested, the emotional toll and anxiety brought upon by such a life altering change can be a lot to cope with initially. Furthermore, not knowing what your rights are in these extraordinary situations can increase one sense of worry and disillusionment.
Elder Law
We choose to specialize in assisting the aging population with planning and protection because we care. Our hand-selected staff put you first, listening to your financial, estate and future living arrangement goals to ensure we understand your intentions before we have you sign or agree to anything.
Family Law
For many years, our family law professionals have been working to assist family’s living in all areas of state and federal law. Our family specialists practice in areas that include divorce, legal separation, mediation, alternate dispute settlement, and child custody, protection and adoption proceedings
Lawyer Services
We pride ourselves in being among the leaders in law advice and litigation in virtually every practice area. Our diverse team specializes in criminal law, civil law and family law, with a focus on delivering unparalleled service to every aspect of your experience with us.
Legal Services
The world of law is complex. Without proper guidance or counsel, a person might find themselves lost and confused. That’s where the compassionate and client-focused team at Law Offices of Michael J. Bourquard, LLC comes in. If you find yourself seeking legal assistance or simple advice, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.
Personal Injury
Our highly qualified law team has years of experience defending people just like you, in and outside of the courthouse. Medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering add up when you or a loved one are hurt or fatally injured. Allow us to expedite and clarify the claims process for you, giving you expert advice and explaining all of your options.
Vehicle Accident Lawyer
Anyone who has been in a serious auto accident knows how devastating it can be. Even if you haven’t had that experience yourself, if you’ve reached this website, you likely know someone who has. If you are suffering from the after-effects of a serious car accident, we at Law Offices of Michael J. Bourquard, LLC first want to take a little time to say that we are sorry for what’s happened to you.
Work Injury Lawyer
Law Offices of Michael J. Bourquard, LLC is New Orleans’ leading lawyer for occupational injuries and workplace accidents. Since opening our doors, we’ve helped hundreds of victims reclaim their dignity and get the compensation they deserve.
Workers Compensation Attorney
When it comes to Workers Compensatory solutions for those in need of them, the Law office of Michael Bourquard can proudly boast an A+ rating from the directory of Recommended Insurance Defense Attorneys and Martindale-Hubbell. We invite and encourage those in New Orleans seeking workers compensatory equity to join our highly satisfied and sophisticated client base.